What Could Radical Honesty Teach Us? About 6 months ago, I was notified about a new Meetup in my city. Radical Honesty. I knew nothing on the topic but felt attracted to it. I decided that this time, I would not read anything about it or do any research in advance. Just experiment, see and feel. So, I contacted the trainer. Over a period of 6 months I had 2 personal trainings with him and 2 trainings in a group. The last one with the duration of 8 hours. At some point in time, I read Dr. Blanton's book, the author of Radical Honesty. Admittedly, I did not have the interest to read the whole book. Only today, preparing this article, saw Dr. Blanton’s TED Talk. And I realize, I would have never deepened my experience in Radical Honesty, if I have watched and read on the subject beforehand. Truth is, Dr. Blanton's style does not resonate with me. I don't like the idea of being blunt, direct and impolite. Luckily, being impolite, blunt and totally la...
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2018 angezeigt.
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An Honest Jogging (It Is Not About Jogging!) You maybe got the idea about “ false jogging ”. I am happy to have realized (similar to many other people) how glorious, how self-respectful, how harmonious (for body and mind) jogging could be. You also knew that. Nothing new! Now, let me tell you something else. I went jogging exactly … twice ... since I wrote that article. Twice! Then, I turned back to my routine jogging, accompanied by the following lovely self-talk: "It’s cold outside and it’s so cosy in here. It’s just so stressful to get dressed and go out and it is so calm to stay at home. I like to have it calm and cosy. It’s so exhausting to go out there and push myself the first 200m before I die. It saves so much energy and pain to use the couch for the next 200 min and read a book. Besides, I learn so much." But you knew it, didn’t you? Creating a healthy habit is hard. And painful. And there are so many "good" reasons not to do it. Let...
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Design Your Life - Building a Compass During my first 12 WOL Circle, I want to I restart my career. First of all, I need clarity about the direction (I have tried a lot during the last years but I feel confused and lost when it comes to my next steps). To restart my career, I am systematically working on the Design Your Life book. In Chapter 2 (week 2) it is about building a compass and building a coherent life and combining the dots – Who am I, What I believe, What am I doing. The authors of DYL advice us to do the compass recalibration on a yearly basis. Also, anytime we change a situation, we need to first stop, check our compass and orient ourselves. Writing about my lifeview and my workview should take max an hour. It took me days until I was able to formulate my beliefs. But I am happy I did it. Lifeview I remember looking at my sleeping baby thinking: “She is beautiful. She ...
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No More False Jogging I finally went jogging. Today. Well, I have been jogging for months. Daily. In my head. What a waste of time! What a fraud! What a waste of potential development of muscle and will power! My daily jogging in my head, the repetition of the mantra "I want to start jogging" plus the "Oh, I will start tomorrow" did not improve my condition. It only weakened my overall stamina and self-respect. And, my mind cheated me beliebing I was already on the right track. That I was doing some progress because I was so busy jogging. In my head. I was out of breath today, after running the first 200m. "In my head I run much longer distances.", I thought. I used to be so sure, I could do much better. In my head. But the reality was "I cannot run long distances. Not yet". After running 200m and then walking 100m and running and walking for about 20min, I realized I did a really good job. Better than the whole months of ... theoretic...
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The Lessons of a Burning Candle How gentle, how gracious, how steady and centered, and focused, is the life of the burning candle. How quiet and calm. How scenic. How peaceful. No stress. No hectic. No searching for its meaning. No overthinking of how it should burn. It just does it. Doing, in order to be. It is what it is, can’t help it - fulfilling its designated purpose. It is not economical with its warmth and light. No procrastination. No tomorrow. Just now. It might not see tomorrow if the passionate burning fire ate away its body… Just now. It is the act of its doing (burning and lightning) that differentiates it from a piece of wood or a stone. It's own trade mark. It's brand. It would be worthless as a candle if it did not do as it is – be a source of light and a source of warmth for the world - ready to give away it's sparkle in the cause of a greater, bigger...
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Q1 2018 WOL Circle Report In order to share with you the value I found during my first WOL circle, I will of course, work out loud (going out of my head) and share with you my lessons learned and experiences gathered throughout the whole process. Note, it is work in progress… Interactions with the participants prior to the official start of the circle enriched me through: Great books: No Complains World Loving What Is
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The Imposter Syndrome It does not matter what success … happened to me, I was never able to give me the credit for this. Finishing my high school with the overall result of 1,0 felt like “Oh, it was not that hard, you somehow managed to blind the teachers”, getting a nice universities “It was just luck”, getting a nice job title was “They did not realize how much I suck. I feel as if I cheated them into hiring me.” The feeling of “not being (good) enough” has been haunting me also during my first days in WOL. Yes, it is hindering. Yes, it is painful. Yes, it is energy sucking. Yes, it is not fun. But I did not even really realized it was there. My dark lifelong companion who feels like a huge stone I have been strenuously dragging anywhere I go. Without really giving it a thought… Did you find yourself in my story? Or you saw someone you know? Maybe you want to watch the following video … And now, the good question What is the way out of the condition? It is...
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3 Great Effects Working Out Loud Can Have on You Last year, I was at the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin (a yearly summit where cool people share cool stuff). There, I heard about a book called Working Out Loud by John Stepper. It was described as THE networking book of our time, as THE Dale Carnegie 2.0; as THE new codex for everyone who wants to grow an abundant mindset, achieve new personal records and thrive happily among like-minded people. Exactly what I have been searching for! I did not wait to get a second invite and ordered the book right away. While reading it, John Stepper invited me, to reach out to him through Twitter, which I did, not expecting that this best selling author will look at my cute little twitt. It was such a surprise for me to see that he answered shortly after with a personal message. It felt as if the Universe saw me and started a personal chat with me. Such a gift! So exciting! To be seen and spoken to, with words of approval and i...
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My thoughts on (Sustainable) Entrepreneurship, Development and Personal Satisfaction Entrepreneurship inspires me! Entrepreneurship combines it all - creativity, imagination, alternative ways of seeing and combining the known, out of the box thinking, structure, processes, team work, networking, marketing, branding... It is the high league of intervening with the world through creating, defining, forming it. A great entrepreneurial design is a masterpiece of art. It is beautiful in its parts and its whole. It is well thought. It enriches - the person behind it, the team, and the whole ecosystem. It brings positive social change. It develops and builds its creator the same way it is built and developed by this very creator. It serves as an inspiration for others so that many achieve deeper satisfaction in life through taking personal responsibility, creating value for others and generating opportunities. …While I was doing my master of art...
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I like to think that .... Life itself is the first reason why we are born. Life is exciting, beautiful, meaningful, inspiring, powerful, bright, creative, energizing, free, happy, joyful, friendly, mindful, full of love… Yet, there is this feeling of potential … danger … of … losing it all, danger of never having it; the big “what if”; the embarrassment, the pain, the vulnerability, the effort, the more pain, the trade off, the work need to invest first in order to see the bright side and keep it. And yes, life is in itself life threatening. Anything could seize our life. That is why we have all those protective sentences - “Be careful!” “Don’t climb that tree, you might fall!” “Put yourself a jacket, you might get ill!*”Don’t do that (job change, marriage, investment), that might be a huge mistake!”,”Don’t say that (truth), it will break their heart!”…. We nurture a culture that keeps us alive but not truly lively. And less honesty, please. ...